How Outsourced Medical Laundry Services Improve Patient Satisfaction
May 4, 2021 by Nixon MedicalIt’s easy to talk about the time and money that outpatient healthcare centers can save by outsourcing their medical linen and laundry services to an accredited laundry facility. But there’s more to healthcare than time and money. Most healthcare providers are committed to providing exceptional patient experiences, but without the right tools, management, and organizational … Continued

Best Tips for Improving the Outpatient Care Experience in 2021
May 4, 2021 by Nixon MedicalWhat does the patient experience look like in your outpatient healthcare center? In the last few years, almost every industry has elevated the experience that people have with their services, products, and solutions, and healthcare is no different. In fact, with reimbursements tied to patient satisfaction, the experience that your outpatient care center delivers is … Continued

Enhancing the Patient Experience with Reusable Medical Apparel
January 28, 2021 by Nixon MedicalIf the staff and clinicians in your outpatient healthcare center have ever had a conversation about reusable versus disposable medical apparel and linens, you’re not alone. This is a hot topic in healthcare facilities of all kinds, and we are here to help your facility come to a conclusion once and for all. Our recent … Continued

Pandemic Proves That Flexible Medical Inventory Is a Must
January 5, 2021 by Nixon MedicalThe words “unprecedented”, “unpredictable”, and “unknown” have been discussed lot this year. While these words have become mainstays of casual conversations surrounding COVID-19, they also carry with them a lot of stress on affected industries, businesses, and services, including outpatient healthcare. Stay-at-home orders that escalated at the start of COVID-19 caused a suspension of elective … Continued

Disposable Medical Apparel Is Deflating Your Bottom Line
December 9, 2020 by Nixon MedicalTo reuse or to dispose? That is the question. In fact, it is a question that has provoked debates and research in healthcare settings for decades. Today, however, experts agree that reusing medical textiles is the optimal method. Some of the primary benefits of reusing medical gowns, linens, and other textiles include maintaining a base … Continued

3 Reasons Why Outpatient Healthcare Needs HLAC-Accredited Laundering
September 24, 2020 by Nixon MedicalAll types of industries require laundering services, from healthcare and hotels to manufacturing and restaurants. There are laundering companies that serve all of these industries, using the same facilities, delivery trucks, and operating procedures for each. Outpatient healthcare centers, however, produce hazardous medical linens and laundry and therefore require specialized medical laundry services to minimize … Continued

Why Your Medical Laundry Inventory Program Doesn’t Work
August 11, 2020 by Nixon MedicalAt your outpatient facility, you spend most of your time ensuring that your patients, clinicians, and staff are taken care of. This involves a lot of different details, like managing operations, weekly schedules, and your medical laundry inventory program. Your medical laundry and linens are a vital part of your operation and play an important … Continued

The Importance of HLAC-Accredited Laundering Services
July 28, 2020 by Nixon MedicalNon-urgent healthcare organizations and outpatient centers are reopening and scrutinizing their safety and sanitation programs right now. Health institutions and federal and state requirements are urging these healthcare centers to get organized prior to reopening and be diligent about formalizing safety protocols that will impact the wellbeing and comfort levels of staff and patients. One … Continued

Control Infectious Diseases with Quality Medical Linen Services
March 12, 2020 by Nixon MedicalIn a busy outpatient medical facility like yours, staff routinely interacts with a wide variety of medical linens that are exposed to contaminants, including lab coats, scrubs, towels, patient apparel, and floor mats, just to name a few. Improper laundry handling can expose staff and patients to bloodborne pathogens, and other hazards that could have … Continued

Free Up Staff with a Healthcare Linen & Laundry Service Program
February 20, 2020 by Nixon MedicalHas your medical facility ever been so backed up that you simply can’t keep up with your laundry needs? Have you ever opened a storage closet in search of towels, aprons, scrubs, or other medical garments and found nothing but a disorganized mess, or even worse, empty shelves? These frustrations can seriously hamper the office … Continued